About PYR Reflective™

PYR Reflective™ was founded in 2018 by mother-daughter running duo Geralyn and Rachel (NCAA cross country All-American). As elite marathoners, mothers, and early morning runners, they felt the retail space had missed the mark on reflective athletic wear that would guarantee safety, comfort and style. Enough with the bulky construction-style vests and ill-fitted straps. It's time for a more cutting-edge and modern-day approach to a vastly under-served need. Where most retail outlets offer tidbits of reflection in minute parts of their athletic wear, PYR offers substantial reflection intermixed with modern design, and performance level materials.
PYR is thrilled to cater to the most determined and undefeatable subset of the running community; the early risers and night owls who despite busy schedules and laundry-lists of to-do’s, fit in their training in the only way they know how - in the dark!